Standard Steel Tribune
- They can be built from 3 meters to 90 meters in length.
- They can be produced with or without a roof.
- Snow load is 75 - 210 kilograms per square meter.
- The audience capacity can range from 200 to 5,000.
- They can have 4, 8 or 12 rows of seating.
- It has been approved by TSE and European product regulations (CE).
- Snow, wind and seismic loads have been tested.

Frequently Asked Questions
What are the types of steel tribunes?
Steel tribune types are roofed tribunes, roofless tribunes, containerized tribunes, and containerless tribunes.
What should be considered in the construction of a roofed steel tribune?
In the construction of the roofed steel tribune, attention should be paid to the snow load, wind load and mobile audience load of the area where the tribune will be built.
Why is snow load important in roofed steel tribune construction?
In the construction of the roofed steel tribune, the calculation should be made according to the snow load value of the region where the tribune will be built. The dimensions and wall thickness of the steel materials to be used in the tribunes built by choosing the right snow load will be deemed selected correctly. When the snow load value is taken less than necessary, the tribune may collapse in a heavy snowfall. When the snow load value is taken more than necessary, the cost of the tribune to be made is increased unnecessarily.
What are the advantages of roofless steel tribune models?
The advantages of steel tribunes are that they can be dismantled and reinstalled, and since most of the manufacturing is done in the factory environment, it allows for other works to be done simultaneously thanks to short-term work on the site.
How much are the steel tribune costs?
Steel tribune costs vary according to the spectator capacity of the tribune and the snow and wind load value of the area where it is to be built.
How to install a steel audience tribune?
Steel audience tribune assembly: Steel construction materials prepared in the factory environment are assembled using bolts in the construction site environment.. First, the main carrier system is installed. After the main carrier system is assembled, the connections are made, the upper surface coverings are made, then the seat assembly is made and the tribune assembly is completed.

Contact Us
Standard steel tribune has become the most preferred tribune type in recent years due to its strength and durability in sports fields. You can contact us for standard steel Tribune cost and price information.