Steel Tribunes

Steel Tribunes

  • Our products made of steel and reinforced with galvanized hot dip method are stainless and don’t require maintenance for a long time.
  • Steel tribunes are easily assembled and can be easily dismantled and moved to another location when desired.
  • The mobile audience load that steel tribunes can carry is at least 300 - 400 kg/square meter.
  • The wind speed range that the steel stands can withstand is at least 100 - 130 km/hour.
  • The wind load range that steel tribunes can withstand is at least 50 - 100 kg / square meter.
  • Steel tribunes are frequently used in performance areas, ceremony areas and stadiums.
  • We have a steel tribune production capacity of 30,000 people.
  • The width, length and height dimensions of the steel tribunes are flexible and customized.
  • Steel tribunes are resistant to all weather conditions and can be used in all seasons.
  • All of the steel tribunes are produced in international standards and have TSE and CE certificates.

Steel Tribunes

Permanent or portable structures where the spectators sit during sports competitions, various ceremonies and events are called tribunes. Most important feature of a tribune is the safety of the spectators. Steel tribunes have become the most preferred type of tribune in recent years because of their strength and durability. Providing service at world standards, Integral Spor, produces steel tribunes in different types and sizes..

  1. What are the prices of portable tribunes?
  2. How to draw a steel tribune?
  3. How to manufacture a telescopic tribune?
  4. How much do the 100-seat portable cost?
  5. The most preferred portable tribune models
  6. How much is the construction cost of roofed and roofless tribunes?

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the tribune construction and its stages?

    The construction stages of the tribunes are the preparation of the infrastructure, the production and assembly of steel construction products in the factory environment and the assembly of the audience seat.

  • What are the tribune types according to its structure?

    According to its structure, tribune types are steel construction tribunes, telescopic tribunes, and reinforced concrete tribunes.

  • What should be considered in the construction of a steel tribune?

    It is important to choose the correct audience load, snow load and wind load during the projecting phase of steel tribune construction. As a result of these correct choices, the dimensions and wall thickness of the iron products to be used in the production of the tribunes will be determined correctly.

  • What are the features of portable tribune seats?

    Portable tribune seats can have options in many different models. Depending on the project content to be applied, it may differ according to the color of the project, it may be with or without armrests, with or without a backrest. The seats produced as plastic die-casting have first class quality and durability.

  • What is the difference of Integral Spor from other tribune companies?

    Integral Spor is a brand that has made a name for itself with the quality and first class service it provides in international projects in recent years. Constructing sports facilities in more than 60 countries, Integralspor has built sports tribunes in many countries with its first class workmanship and high quality product range.

  • What are the tribune materials used in sports fields?

    The tribune materials used in sports fields are steel construction carrier system, fixed-backed tribune seat, fixed backless tribune seat, foldable tribune seat, Vip tribune seat and protocol tribune seat.

  • How long does the tribune construction project take?

    The tribune construction project depends on the audience capacity of the tribune.

For Steel Tribune Construction Cost
Contact Us

Integral steel tribunes, which are completely produced in-house, are of two types; Standard Steel Tribune and Container Model Steel Tribune. Both types have roofed and roofless versions, and audience capacities range from 200 to 5,000 people. You can contact us for steel tribune construction cost and price information.