Why is Artificial Grass Called as Fake Grass?

The question of why synthetic grass is called fake grass is among the important issues asked by many people today. In this context, we have compiled all the details about these two concepts: artificial grass and fake grass. Now let's examine all the details about artificial grass and fake grass. Artificial grass is a type of grass that has been produced as an alternative to natural grass. Artificial grass, which stands out with its basic features and advantages, has the same features as real grass in terms of usage conditions. The production purpose of this type of grass also called synthetic grass, or fake grass, is to eliminate the limits related to the use of natural grass.
The reason why it is called fake grass; is due to the fact that it is produced using different yarn in a way that closely resembles the real thing. Since the first generation, fake grass rug is not suitable for playing football, various innovations have been made in artificial grass. For this reason, the first artificial turf was not used in professional football competitions. Synthetic grass models filled with rubber granules and woven from polyethylene yarn were developed shortly after they were presented to the sector and started to be used in football competitions. Especially synthetic grass, which started to be used with a decision taken by FIFA, has been used more widely since then.
Advantages of Artificial Grass
The clear increase in demand for artificial grass, an increasingly popular product, is related to its advantages compared to natural grass. In this direction, it is possible to list the various advantages of artificial grass as follows.
- Less Maintenance
One of the main advantages of artificial grass is that it requires almost no maintenance or operation. Irrigation, mowing, and even disinfection are the maintenance elements of natural grass. There are no such maintenance operations in artificial grass. A
- Resistance and Durability
The high resistance of synthetic grass maintains its green and bright color, allowing it to be preserved for years even under harsh weather conditions.
- Reasonable Price
Saving is among the most important advantages of artificial grass. The price of synthetic grass is an indisputable advantage. You will be able to save on maintenance processes (costs such as pesticide, herbicide, fertilizer, equipment, technicians) and the water you would spend on mandatory irrigation of a natural grass. On the other hand, you will save a lot of time and personal investment by not taking care of your garden. You will have a green and bright lawn every day throughout the year, and you will not make any effort.
- Easy Application
The range of application possibilities for this product is extensive, and its suitability and set of goals make it an extremely attractive alternative.
Disadvantages of Artificial Grass Applications
Although not as much as natural grass, there are some disadvantages of artificial grass (fake turf). Let's look at them briefly:
- The Sun Causes Artificial Grass To Heat
It is common for the grass to become warm when exposed to direct sun. This reduces the comfort of the grass when used immediately. However, the solution is simple. Sprinkling some water on the grass will be enough to cool the surface almost instantly and make your garden incredibly pleasant again.
- Insufficiently Executed Work
The placement of artificial grass mats should be done by professional and experienced teams that guarantee the perfection of the task. Oftentimes, poorly applied grass rugs reveal the gaps separating the lawns. The final look will definitely not be attractive and nothing like natural grass.
Features of Artificial Grass
Although seemingly very easy, synthetic grass application requires the knowledge of experts and the strength of a team assigned for this purpose. First of all, you are faced with a shipping problem. The high weight of the rugs prevents the work from being done by one person. Two or more people share this job. This means more workforce. In contrast, the precision of the rug cuts and the accuracy that should be placed add to the second major challenge of synthetic grass installation.
Once again, the experience of the practitioners will determine the perfection of the work done, so the calculations of the surface to be covered will be calculated correctly, and the joints and gaps between the rugs will not be distinguished. Synthetic grass application is a do-it-yourself job, and the degree of expectation of the final result is equivalent to the knowledge and commitment of the practitioner. The most complex parts of the application job are the high weight of the rugs. Various problems may occur as a result of not professionally performing operations such as holding and applying more than one person at all times, processing, adjusting or gluing, cutting, and redirecting the joints to ensure that they are not noticed as much as possible. Artificial grass has a warranty ranging from 5 to 8 years. Depending on their use, the durability of these rugs can be 35 or 40 years.
Artificial Grass Usage Areas
Artificial grass, which is one of the most demanding products recently, is used as an alternative to the expenses of natural grass. In short, any area can be restructured using synthetic grass. The way the rugs are fixed to the floor varies according to the needs. As has been confirmed in recent years, customers have a great demand for laying and applying synthetic grass in spaces such as balconies and terraces, even in large cities. The appearance of synthetic grass on terraces has opened a new window of opportunity for customers to devote their time to growing and preserving some flower elements on their terraces and creating more living space. Traditional gardens of natural grass or other types of resolution are always starting points for synthetic grass areas. In adjacent areas for swimming pools or recreational areas, synthetic grass has become a comfortable, effective, and even cost-effective solution. In this context, it should be clearly stated that today artificial grass rug models are models that can be preferred in almost every field.
Synthetic Grass Prices
Synthetic grass cost is among the important questions asked by individuals who want to have these products. If you want to get professional information about synthetic grass prices and have the highest quality products, you are at the right place. The only thing you need to do is contact us to have detailed information about synthetic grass costs. Although the grass laying process is considered a straightforward process by many investors, it is not as easy as it seems. Because you should know that every mistake made in the application will lead you to extra cost and defective investment, you should not forget that achieving perfection in the planning phase will make your project more profitable and sustainable. Within our synthetic grass applications framework, we provide the best quality response to your requests and ensure that you achieve success in your project. In this sense, our company, which has been providing the highest quality services to its customers since the day it was founded, also operates in the field of grass flooring. The only thing you need to do is contact us for information about synthetic grass applications. You can reach us by calling +90 212 678 13 13, and you can always get support from our experts.