
Favorite of Stadiums: Hybrid Grass

Favorite of Stadiums: Hybrid Grass

Hybrid grass is among the most preferred methods due to the designs that minimize the negative effects of weather conditions in new generation stadiums. Natural grass, which wears out very easily due to insufficient air flow and sunlight, also brings many maintenance costs. For this reason, hybrid grass has started to be used in many stadiums. Thanks to hybrid turf grass field players have much better performance and comfort.

As one of the leading manufacturers at home and abroad, Integral Spor was also developed in hybrid grass by strengthening natural grass and thanks to this, the time required for reconstruction, repair, modification and maintenance is getting shorter day by day. Today Integral Spor is serving its best for those who need hybrid grass in stadiums.


Hybrid Grass Production

There are some specific purposes of the hybrid grass: to provide a protected environment for the stem of the plant, to strengthen the grass roots. Hybrid grass provides less compaction in the lower root zone layer due to the support of the geotextile carpet. The root system is attached to the artificial grass fibers and in that way, a more durable product is created. It creates a microclimate area that promotes grass regrowth. For this reason, hybrid grass is a very durable and high quality product. Professional companies serving in the field of football have started to prefer hybrid turf technology because of its being a state-of-the-art, highly ecological product.


Hybrid Grass Features


Stitched hybrid grass has many advantageous features. We may list its advantageous features as follows;

  • It reduces the amount of wear and tear.
  • It maintains surface levels and homogeneity.
  • It increases the shear strength of the surface.
  • Uptime durability is much higher.
  • It gives the feeling of being played on natural grass.

When one focuses on hybrid grass vs natural grass, we may say that there are many differences. For example; natural grass is not that durable when compared to hybrid grass and for this reason, natural grass cannot serve for many years. Especially for stadiums, it will be a big problem to use natural grass.


Advantages of Hybrid Grass

As we mentioned above, hybrid grass is a more advantageous product than natural grass. Knowing this issue, Integral Spor, a leading hybrid grass manufacturer at home and abroad, also focuses on hybrid grass production and offers these advantages:

  • Hybrid grass is resistant to all weather conditions.
  • It offers up to 3-4 times more playing hours than a standard natural grass pitch.
  • Thanks to the strong roots, grass breaks are not observed.
  • It has a high regeneration rate.
  • It offers an always green and stable field without mud puddles and grass breakage.
  • It provides additional income opportunities for sports clubs.
  • It provides for customers to reduce maintenance times and costs.


Hybrid Grass in Stadiums


As hybrid grass is such an advantageous product, it is mostly used for stadiums. According to research, it is stated that hybrid turf, which is the choice of all teams in the Premier League, is used in the stadiums of a total of 45 clubs around the world. Stadiums that have a hybrid grass stadium include Emirates (Arsenal), Etihad (Manchester City), Old Trafford (Manchester United), White Hart Lane (Tottenham), St.James Park (Newcastle United), Goodison Park.


Integral Spor and Hybrid Grass

In this article, we mentioned how hybrid grass is advantageous and where it is mostly used. If you also want to have quality and comfortable stadiums with stitched hybrid grass suitable for the area you have chosen, we can undertake to provide you with the best service as Integral Spor family. If you fill out the form below, you may get detailed information about the installation process, hybrid grass types and hybrid grass cost. We will get back to you as soon as possible! You may have quality hybrid grass stadiums with affordable hybrid grass cost!

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