
Basketball Field Size and Surface!

Basketball Field Size and Surface!

Professional basketball is played in indoor sports halls around the world. It can be played easily in summer and winter, and it is a very special and enjoyable sport to watch and play. The basketball fields are designed in a rectangular shape and the basketball posts come to the short sides. Since basketball is a sport that is played by bouncing the ball, the floor must be appropriate. Basketball surface can be parquet and rubber coating. It is important that the ground is slippery. The fact that the shoes of the players do not slip on the surface prevents many falls and injury.

The standard size of a basketball court is 26×14 or 28×15. There should be spaces in the areas where the field ends, the spaces should be at least 2 meters. When players come under the post, the game is played in the field and may be out of the field, so the field measurements should be applied correctly.

The basketball court is divided into two, with a round line in the middle of the divide, the round line in the middle; the game starts from this point. In the basketball game, the basket shots have a value according to the shooting distance. The longest shot in basketball is 3 points. Three point lines; It is completed by drawing a semicircle with a diameter of 675 cm, based on the point where the post is located. Each shot thrown behind this line is worth three points when it enters the basket.

What should be the height of the basketball?

There are 2 basketball hoops in each field. Basketball posts can be made from different materials. The standard height of the posts on both sides should be 3.05 meters high from the bottom up. The shortest distance of the hoops to the edge lines is 1.2 meters. Have you ever wondered what is the diameter of the hoop in the post? The size of a board should be 18×12. Basketball players can get support from the board to earn points. The ball is hit on the board and the basket can be won. There are lines determined for free throws in basketball. Free throw line; starting from the bottom of the post, at a point perpendicular to the edge line, 5 meters 80 cm. The total length of the line is 3 meters and 60 cm. When shooting from behind the line during the game, the shots are considered as two numbers.

Basketball Field Size and Surface!

What is the Size the Basketball Ball?

The most important tool of basketball is the ball. The basketball ball has a standard. The basketball ball, made in separate sizes for women and men, bounce well on the ground. For women, the weight of a basketball should be 567 grams and for men it should be 623,99 grams. The diameter of a basketball ball for men should be 72.39 for 74.92 women. When you get a basketball, you get the number 7 for the men, and the number 6 for the women.

If you want to have a basketball floor, you should work with companies who are experts in their fields and who do their job correctly. Basketball fields should be done by experts.

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