
2021 Athletics Tracks Installation

2021 Athletics Tracks Installation

Athletics tracks offer a combination of training and competition facilities for numerous disciplines, with the indoor playing field usually also being used for other sports, in particular football. Various standard athletics track installation methods are categorized in various arena types in accordance with DIN 18035 (types A, B, C and D). Based on this scheme, the building owner, association and the specialist planners already have a picture in mind, depending on whether a school is to receive a sports field or a performance center that is also suitable for international competitions. The circular running tracks are part of every system based on the standard rubber running track installation method, whereby the circumference measured on the inner track is 400 m.


The answer of question most outdoor athletics tracks has how many lanes is that each individually marked track is 1.22 m wide including the 5 m wide marking. A type private running track comprises 8 such lanes, which takes into account the IAAF competition format with regard to the number of participants in the elimination rounds and finals. The run-up tracks and jump pits in athletics track and field dimensions for the long and triple jump are in the standard construction with a corresponding safety distance on the same side outside the circular track.

How Much Does a High School Track Cost?


School children do not need a 60-meter run-up for the long jump, it is also possible to say a running track cost estimate in cost to build 400-meter track and place the sand pit in a sector of a circle and / or to build two smaller jump facilities next to each other in order to be able to better pursue teaching goals with school classes.

Unaffected by any possible deviations from the standard construction methods, the athletics equipment and markings must correspond exactly to the standards and association requirements. It is the task of the specialist planner such as Integral Spor which has been exporting many different projects and products to the USA, the UK, Egypt, Albania, Algeria, Bulgaria, Portugal and many others, to reconcile all requirements, who, however, is dependent on the input of the client, who must determine which sports should have which priority at which training and competition level in the coming years.

If you want to build an athletics track you can get enough information about athletic running track cost from us. There are always basic safety rules that are anchored in the relevant standards. No-go is the entry of sand and all kinds of dirt onto an artificial turf pitch due to the synthetic track price. Conversely, to reduce the discharge of infill granulate away from the football field, a collecting channel for the rubber or cork is useful.


Athletics Facility: Type A, B and C

An athletics facility is usually combined with large or small playing fields. For national and international athletics competitions, a type A competition facility (arena) is usually required. For regional and supra-local significant events, the type B competition facility (arena) comes into consideration. These facilities mostly also meet the training requirements for high-performance sports. And those dimensions are quite different from how to build a running track in your backyard.


For school sports and for the use of activities that are not based on high-performance sports, the type C competition facility (arena) is sufficient. The athletics facilities type A, type B and type C basically have a 400 m athletics track. In addition, large and small playing fields can be combined with individual athletic facilities. Such systems are recommended for use in school and popular sports as well as for less performance-oriented athletics use. The lawn of the competition facility can be equipped with a natural turf or an artificial turf system. Depending on all these factors, the answer of how much does an 8 lane track cost differs in terms of other reasons.


Type A Athletics Track Features

  • 8 circular arc tracks (400 m)
  • 8 - 10 individual tracks for the straight sprint and hurdles sections
  • 1 obstacle course, moat in the start segment, offset from the central axis
  • 1 large playing field 68 m x 105 m (73 m x 109 m with safety zones in the interior of the circular track)
  •  1 - 2 high jump facilities, approaching north (transportable safety cushions)


Type B Athletics Track Features

  • 6 circular arc tracks (400 m)
  • 6 - 8 individual lanes for the straight sprint and hurdles sections
  • 1 obstacle course, moat in the northern segment (like type A)
  • 1 large playing field 68 m x 105 m (73 m x 109 m with safety zones in the interior of the circular track).
  • 1 - 2 high jump facilities in the southern segment, approaching north (transportable jumping cushions).


Type C Athletics Track Features

  • 4 circular arc tracks (400 m)
  • 4 - 5 or 6 individual lanes for the straight sprint and hurdles sections
  • 1 large playing field 68 m x 105 m (73 m x 109 m with safety zones in the interior of the circular track)
  • 1 high jump facility in the southern segment, approaching north (transportable safety cushion)


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